Monday, January 12, 2009


Yes, I know I said that we would do the Nena song (which is still awesome) and James Blunt and blah blah blag, but I feel that spontaneous postage is much better than having to stick to a plan. This isn't to say that I won't give you a heads up on the next month still, it just means that there's quite a chance I won't follow it.

Alright, so today we have our first ALBUM WAR. Isn't it exciting?! I know you're practically peeing your pants. This episode's contestants are Ludo's You're Awful, I Love You vs. Fall Out Boy's Folie à Deux.

I had known about Ludo for a while, ever since track one ("Love Me Dead") started having radio play. But I bought it because when I saw it in Target, I thought of my friend who came into math one day and told me, "THIS IS THE BEST CD EVER!" That friend had to suddenly move to New York, and I didn't get to say goodbye, so I picked it up as sort of a reminder of him. Anyway, I've listened to that CD at least 10 times in the past 3 or 2 days that I've had it. It's definitely one of the best albums I've ever had. From it's entertaining story-tellers "Lake Pontchatrain" and "Go- Getter Greg," to it's more mellow and love-esque "Please," "Topeka," and "Streetlights", I never once got sick of any of it. Especially not during the surprising and startling "Horror of Our Love". But that's just me. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.

Note: Don't turn it off when you think the last track is over. ;)

Youre Awful, I Love You

Now, From Under the Cork Tree was a rockin' CD. And although I've never heard all of the songs on Infinity on High or Take This to Your Grave, the hits off of them were great. So, upon buying Folie à Deux, I was anticipating another great one. How could it not be good? The cover is sweet and, come on, a French title? I was won over. But Then I actually listened to the CD. I was slightly disappointed. I mean, "I Don't Care" is a good song, I knew that, but none of the others really sparked anything for me. I was pretty disinterested throughout the CD, with the exception of track six, "The (Shipped) Gold Standard". Seven ("[Coffee's for Closers]") was alright, too. I don't know, maybe I will like it more as I listen to it more. After all, I didn't like Paramore's "Decode" the first time I heard it either. Crazy! Here's Folie à Deux. See if you get all the yummy dissatisfaction out of it that I did.

Folie a Deux

In conclusion, I think it's safe to say who won this ALBUM WAR. Congratualtions, Ludo. You're doing good in this country. But don't take my word for it. You decide, then tell me about it. In the meantime, I'll be listening to the not-winner CD, trying to see if I will like it better, because everyone else's ratings on it are great. More on that later.

Thanks for reading and being a part of Random Insanity: Music Insanity! Until next year...I mean time.